Legal Info

discoDSP LLC. All rights reserved.

2105 Vista Oeste
Suite E, Box 3279
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120


Intellectual Property and Regulations

The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation, and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of discoDSP or, if applicable, have a license or authorization expressed by the authors.

The website's contents are all protected by intellectual and industrial property laws, and without written permission, reproduction and/or publication, total or partial, of the website or its treatment is not permitted for distribution, dissemination, modification, or transformation.

Designs, logos, text, and/or graphics outside of discoDSP that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with respect to them. In any case, discoDSP has their express and prior authorization. discoDSP recognizes the rights of industrial and intellectual property in favor of its owners, not implying by their mere mention or appearance on the website the existence of rights or any responsibility of the provider over them, nor by any endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation on its part.

The user can use the material that appears on this website for personal and private use and is forbidden from using it for commercial purposes. discoDSP will monitor compliance with the aforementioned conditions as well as the proper use of the contents presented on its web pages, taking all civil and criminal actions that are appropriate in the event of infringement or breach of these rights by the user.


Privacy Policy

discoDSP informs website users about its policy regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of users and customers that may be collected by browsing, acquiring products, or contracting services through its website. discoDSP guarantees compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data. Use of this website implies the express acceptance of this privacy policy.


Cookie Policy

The server where this and are hosted uses cookies, which will be stored on the visitor's computer. Cookies are small files that contain certain information about the visit to the web, such as the day and time at which the visit begins, when it is abandoned, as well as information about the different sections consulted. If the user wishes, he can configure his browser to warn about whether he will receive a cookie or to avoid receiving them, a fact that will not prevent access to the web.

The essential cookie we use is under the and domains is a session cookie, which is deleted when you close your browser. As this cookie is crucial for the basic functionality of the site, it complies with CalOPPA (California Online Privacy Protection Act) for the USA and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) for Europe. Therefore, we do not require your permission to set it.


Security Measures

Users are informed that in accordance with current data protection legislation, technical and organizational measures in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned normative have been implemented. Personal data collected in the forms is the object of treatment and is only accessible by the personnel of discoDSP or the Treatment Managers established.

Appropriate levels of security have been adopted for the data provided, and, in addition, all the means and technical measures available to it have been installed to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, and theft of the data that we provide.


Truthfulness of Data

The client or user declares that all the data provided by him is true and correct and undertakes to keep them updated, communicating to discoDSP any modification thereto. The user will be responsible for the veracity of their data and will be solely responsible for any conflicts or litigation that may result from their falsification.

It is important that, in order to keep personal data updated, the user informs discoDSP whenever there has been any change in it. Otherwise, we can not answer for your veracity.


Exercise of Rights

We grant interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the processing of their personal data. As long as the user's data is processed by "discoDSP", they may exercise their rights. To do this, the user must send documentation that proves their identity (ID or passport) by contacting support. Said communication must reflect the following information: name and surname of the user, request type, address, and supporting data.

The exercise of rights must be performed by the user. However, they may be executed by a person authorized as legal representative of the authorized party. In this case, the documentation proving this representation of the interested party must be provided.

The user may request the exercise of the following rights:

In the case that consent has been granted for a specific purpose, the user has the right to withdraw the consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. If a user considers that there is a problem with the way in which discoDSP is handling his data, he can direct his claims to the person responsible for security or to the data protection authority that corresponds.


Data Conservation

Disaggregated data will be preserved without a deletion period. In terms of customer data, the period of personal data preservation will vary depending on the service that the client contracts. In any case, it will be the bare minimum required to stay for up to ten years, depending on the circumstances.


Obtaining and Processing Data

discoDSP has the duty to inform the users of its website about the collection of personal data that can be carried out, either by sending e-mail or filling in the forms included on the website. In this case, discoDSP will be considered responsible for the data collected through the means described above.

Also, discoDSP informs users that the purpose of processing the data collected includes the attention of requests made by users, inclusion in the contact list, provision of products or services, and management of the commercial relationship. Operations, procedures, and technical procedures that are carried out in an automated or non-automated manner and that enable the collection, storage, modification, transfer, and other actions on personal data are considered to be treatment of personal data.

discoDSP website has SSL encryption, which allows the user to securely navigate the website.

discoDSP makes available to users a series of telematic mechanisms for the collection and processing of their personal data, with the purposes provided above. The personal data provided in a telematic way, either through email, the contact forms of this website, or online contracting, will be incorporated into a database for the commercial and administrative management of the clients and users of the company. The data will be processed through servers managed by Fastspring, which is also the company providing e-commerce services, and which will be considered the Person in Charge of Processing.

discoDSP undertakes not to send commercial communications without identifying them as such. For this purpose, the information sent to customers for the maintenance of the existing contractual relationship will not be considered commercial communication.

In any case, only precise data will be obtained in order to perform the contracted service, or adequately respond to the request for information made by the user. Sometimes, personal data will be provided through links to third-party websites. In this case, at no time will the discoDSP staff have access to the personal data that the client provides to said third parties.

The server where this website is hosted uses cookies, which will be stored on the visitor's computer. Cookies are small files that contain certain information about the visit to the web, such as the day and time at which the visit begins, when it is abandoned, as well as information about the different sections consulted. If the user wishes, he can configure his browser to warn about whether he will receive a cookie or to avoid receiving them, a fact that will not prevent access to the web. The collection of personal data through web browsing (cookies) is explained in our section on Cookies Policy.


Social Networks

discoDSP has profiles on KVR Audio, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok, recognizing itself as responsible for the treatment of the data of its followers, fans, subscribers, commentators, and other user profiles (hereinafter, followers). The treatment that discoDSP will carry out with said data within each of the referred networks will be the one that the social network allows for corporate profiles.

Thus, discoDSP can inform, when the law does not prohibit it, its followers by any means that the social network allows about their activities and offers, as well as providing personalized customer service. In no case will discoDSP extract data from social networks.


Treatment managers in the United States

discoDSP uses Fastspring e-commerce services. The user expressly and unequivocally agrees to the processing of their data as well as the international transfer of their data to this service provider company.


Exercise Of Rights

We give interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the processing of their personal data. As long as the user's data is subject to treatment by discoDSP, they may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition in accordance with the provisions of the protection of personal data.

To make use of the exercise of these rights, the user must send documentation proving their identity by email to

The exercise of rights must be performed by the user. However, they may be executed by a person authorized as the legal representative of the authorized party. In this case, the documentation proving this representation by the interested party must be provided.


Communication of Information to Third Parties

discoDSP will not assign or communicate to any third party your data, except in the cases provided by law or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a person in charge of processing, and always in accordance with the general conditions approved by the user prior to contracting the same.

It also accepts that some of the personal data collected will be provided to these treatment managers when necessary for the effective performance of the contracted service. The user may refuse to transfer your data to the Treatment Managers by written request or by any of the aforementioned means.



The information provided by the client will, in any case, be considered confidential and cannot be used for purposes other than those related to the contracted services or products acquired by discoDSP. discoDSP undertakes not to disclose or provide information about the client's claims, the reasons for the advice requested, or the duration of his relationship with it.


Terms of Sale

FastSpring is the main seller of our products on our website, and the buyer must accept its terms of sale.

Authorized resellers can be found at


Terms of Use

General Information and Acceptance of Terms

This website contains texts prepared for informational purposes only, which may not reflect the current status of legislation or jurisprudence, and which refer to general situations, so that their content should not necessarily be applied by the user to specific cases.

This website details the services offered by discoDSP. Its use implies acceptance of the following conditions, declining to make any claim on them:

  1. The information here is for general informational purposes and may not be current or applicable to specific cases.
  2. Using discoDSP's services implies acceptance of these terms, which may change without notice.
  3. Cookies are used to enhance your experience. You can manage cookie settings in your browser.
  4. Content, services, and prices on this site are subject to change at any time.
  5. We are not responsible for third-party websites linked from our site.
  6. Prices are subject to change; errors in pricing are excepted.
  7. No registration or personal data is required to browse our website.
  8. We are not liable for damages caused by misuse from third-party infiltrations.
  9. While we aim for the site to be operational at all times, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access.

In short, the user is solely responsible for the use made of the services, content, and links included in this website.

Proprietary Content and Confidentiality

All content in the discoDSP Members Area, such as software, special offers, news, and updates, is proprietary and strictly for the private use of our registered license holders. Unauthorized public disclosure or dissemination of this material contravenes our terms of service and will lead to the immediate termination of your account and access privileges. We trust in your discretion to uphold the confidentiality of the exclusive content provided here.